Getting tested for a genetic condition can be a sensitive process for individuals and their families, requiring a caring and knowledgeable expert to lead them through.
Newborn babies with congenital birth defects or children with developmental delay or autism might be affected with changes in their DNA that their parents, relatives, and offspring might be at risk for as well.
Dr. Mikail's role is to determine whether a genetic disorder exists in her patients by performing a comprehensive history and physical exam, ordering blood or other lab tests, and ordering radiological imaging if necessary. She then helps optimize her patients' and their families' health outcomes based on the latest evidence-based guidelines.
Here is a brief list of clinical genetic services provided through our office:
Comprehensive History and Physical Exam
Family History/Pedigree Analysis
Preconceptional/Premarital Genetic Carrier Screening
High Resolution Karyotype
FISH Analysis
DNA Methylation Analysis
Chromosomal Microarray Testing
Mutation Analysis
Whole Exome Sequencing
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
21-Marker Paternity Testing
Pre and Post-test Genetic Counseling
Intrigued by genetic tests available to you directly online, such as 23andme? We're here to help you interpret your results and explain what they mean for your health.